How to Repurpose Your Own Content Without Pissing Off Google

repurpose content

As a freelance writer who is dedicated to ensuring clients get the most value from their marketing dollars, one of the strategies I love to educate clients about is how to properly repurpose content. This way, they get more than one use out of the content I write for them and see better ROI.

Google and other search engines will penalize your website if you simply copy and paste content into multiple places on your site. For example, you should never copy and paste a blog post to a website page or count it, unedited, as news about your company.

However, there are many other types of marketing that you can use this content for to expand your company’s marketing efforts without adding more work or cost. Here are some of my favorite ideas:

Video Script to Podcast Script

If you have a video script you created for a YouTube video, why not use the same script for a podcast episode? You can change the introduction and ending if you want. If you really just want to get more from the same video, why don’t you extract the .mp3 audio from the .mp4 video and share it on other platforms as a podcast?

Podcast Script to Blog Post

You can use that audio or video script as the foundation of a blog post. If you start with a video or audio file without a script, you can use transcription software to create a written version of it. Edit it and apply SEO best practices to it and you have an affordable blog post.

Blog Post to Lead Magnet

Now that you have a great blog post, you can use a tool like Print Friendly to make a good looking PDF that you can use as a lead magnet to grow your email subscriber list. Add your new lead magnet to a pop-up window on your site or as a freebie in a Facebook ad or post. It doesn’t need to be complicated.

Blog Post to Marketing Email

You can email the link or the blog post to your email subscribers without penalty. This helps to get the word out about the new post to subscribers and is an easy way to get more use out of the content.

Blog Post to Social Media Content

You can share the blog post from your website on social media. You can also use snippets of the blog post as social media posts.

These are just some of my ideas for repurposing your own content. As a freelance writer who has helped more than 100 companies with digital marketing content, I encourage you to repurpose content to get the most of it.

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